This action is taking place to help animals and people who are willing to participate in their fate!

Pets incredibly difficult to survive on the streets. There, they have no power, good hands of the hosts and the main thing - security. At every corner they wait too bad. When the animal grew up in loving families, it is very difficult to adapt to the brutal conditions of survival on the streets. It is hoped that the fate take pity on him and help to return home or find a new family. Help the lost and stray animals - our challenge.



These animals are exactly the same as yours, but they are not surrounded by love and care, they are not lucky - they don't have such masters as you, dear guests site!

Our animal shelter is full, there is a lack of funds and medicines. Therefore, we appeal to you!



You can help animals, to participate in the lottery. So you support financially stay in the shelter of dogs and cats as long as our team is looking for the owners.

Recently, the shelter spent diesel fuel. Most rooms have no heating.

Unfortunately we do not always have the opportunity to take care of the puppy and then not all survive. Volunteers from all the forces fighting for every puppy, but can not save everyone. Simple lack of forces.

The shelter has a large number of puppies. Some die due to various viral infections. Staff veterinarian done everything possible to save the puppies!
Look at those eyes! They want to live ..........

These dogs need a special therapeutic food!
It is not cheap. At the shelter do not have enough funds to buy it permanently.












Charity lottery in support of animal


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